If I Had A Thousand…, by J. W. Cassandra

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If I had a thousand arms of mine,
I would embrace you by my thousand arms,
I would nurse you by my thousand arms,
I would safeguard you by my thousand arms,

I would bless you by my thousand arms!

But, I have not a thousand arms,
Even my two arms cannot embrace you,
Even my two arms cannot nurse you,
My two arms cannot safeguard you –

My two arms can bless you from the distance.

If I had a thousand hearts of mine,
I would throb you by my thousand hearts,
I would beat you by my thousand hearts,
I would love you by my thousand hearts;

I would bless you by my thousand hearts!

But, I have not a thousand hearts:
My single heart throbs for you,
My single heart beats for you,
Perhaps, my single heart safeguards you,

My single heart blesses you.

If I had a thousand lives of mine,
I would enliven you in my thousand lives,
You would be my life in my thousand lives,
I would love you in my thousand lives,

I would be for you in my thousand lives.

But, I have not a thousand lives,
In this life, here and now: my guest,
My life claims forever you,
My life safeguards forever you,

My life blesses forever you.

Here and now: I am embracing you,
Here and now: I am releasing you,
Here and now: a promise enlivens you,
Here and now: I am loosening–binding your light.

Here and now: I am blessing your perennial being!

Here and now: I am releasing the sorrowful past,
Here and now: I am blessing the future-path,
Here and now: I am taking you my oath again:
I will return to you, for you, ever, forever!

I bind you by a thousand bonds,
I loosen you by a thousand loosens,
I bless your perennial being with thousand blessings,
Throb of my thousand hearts is the light of your life…

I will return for you with a thousand blessings!

I will return for you with a thousand blessings,
I will help your being by my one thousand beings,
Till a thousand and one will make oneness –
For you I will return with a thousand blessings.

A thousand and thousand times, merely for you…

My being blesses you forever,
My being enwraps you by shine,
You are for my life the great treasure-reef,
You are blessed loftiness of my life.

I will return to you ever with a thousand blessings!

21/01. 2019., by J. W. Cassandra

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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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