In Rubrum – In Nigrum

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In Rubrum In Nigrum | Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine
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In Rubrum – In Nigrum,
by J. W. Cassandra (English Version)

My blood is writing the holy scrolls,
In rubrum, the ruby rose,
Her black petal falls next to my blood –
It writes the knowledge with black.

In nigrum – the rose petal is falling
Into pitch-black rows, your soul
Is washed by its blood-red, pitch-black waves.
Falling of drops of blood, of rose-petals

Give their fire through to the pure light,
Owing of which these rows burn into your soul.
My blood is the purple rose petal,

My suffering is the pitch-black velvet –
The soul blazes in these colours,
From earth she ascends up to high sky…

In Rubrum In Nigrum | Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine
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05/06. 2011. Transl. 08/10. 2019.,
by J. W. Cassandra

In rubrum – in nigrum (Hungarian Version)

Vérem a szent tekercseket írja,
In rubrum, a rubin rózsa,
Vérem mellé hull fekete szirma,
Mi a tudást feketével írja.

In nigrum – hull rózsa szirma
Éjfekete sorokba, lelked mossa
Vérvörös, éjfekete hulláma.
Vércseppek, rózsaszirmok hullása

Adja át tüzét a tiszta fénynek,
Mitől e sorok lelkedbe égnek.
Vérem a bíbor rózsaszirom,

Szenvedésem az éjfekete bársony –
A lélek e színekben fénylik,
Földről fölszáll a magos égig…

In Rubrum In Nigrum | Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine
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  1. 06. 05., J. W. Cassandra
In Rubrum In Nigrum | Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine
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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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