Lightbeam on the Sky of Dread

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Lightbeam on the Sky of Dread | A poem By J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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Lightbeam on the Sky of Dread
by J. W. Cassandra (English Version)

I am a lightbeam
on the Sky of Dread –
don’t peril,
hold on to me…
Till I pour out
warm from myself
– I have chills.
See: even a lightbeam
can have chills.
It is what around
the most cold climbs.
Yet – what warm
I can give – give along,
maybe, I will even
sputter out…

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05/12. 1981., J. W. Cassandra


Sugár az Iszony egén (Hungarian Version)

Sugár vagyok az
Iszony Egén –
ne rettegj,
kapaszkodj belém…
Míg meleget
ontok magamból
– vacogok.
Lásd: egy sugár
is fázhat.
Köré kúszik a
Mégis – ami meleget
adhatok – add tovább,
hátha én is

Sugár az Iszony egén | A poem By J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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1981. 12. 05., J. W. Cassandra


Lightbeam on the Sky of Dread | A poem By J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.


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