On the Road

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On The Road | A Poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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On the Road,
by J. W. Cassandra (English Version)

I step on the road: one by one,
Gone with the wind all my pride,
Gone with the wind all my old self:
– Time has gone! Be your divine self!

The words echoe in my ears on the road,
The words show me the eternal path:
I step on the road one by one,
Gone with the wind old me, behind…

On The Road| A Poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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13/08. 2019., by J. W. Cassandra

Az úton (Hungarian Version)

Megyek az úton: lépésről lépésre,
Elfújta a szél minden büszkeségem;
Elfújta a szél a régi énem:
– Itt az idő! Légy az isteni lényeg!

E szavak csendülnek az úton fülembe,
E szavak jelölik ki örök ösvényem:
Lépek az úton – lépésről lépésre,
Elfújta a szél régi énem végleg…

Az-úton | Hungarian Poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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  1. 08. 13., J. W. Cassandra
On The Road | A Poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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