Petals Fall Down as His Tears, by J. W. Cassandra

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Petals Fall Down as His Tears,
by J. W. Cassandra

The Sage dissolves our delusion into rainbow:
Rectifying it, he carves it to celestial face;
He paints on it eternal mission of eternal life
And, as the sacrificial flower-life begins,
Petals fall down for us as his tears.

Would you trespass or expiate: the Sage percepts.
He pays for your sin till the life is sacrificial in him
And, if you expiate since your Soul ripened for it,
His petal-tears fall down for you from his lotus-bed.
At last, you can return when will all percept.

18/04. 2019., by J. W. Cassandra

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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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