The Eternal, Who Leaneth Over, by J. W. Cassandra

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Thou wilt come forever on the night of lights,
Thou wilt leave forever in the light of nights:

Thy ship is anchored in the moment,
Thy ship is anchored in the Eternal.
Beyond time, beyond space,
Beyond mortal existence of form,
And yet, forever stepping into form:
This is the wing, fluttering of what
Sustains your majestic existence –
Thou art the ancestor in the depths of the moment,
The sailor, the eternal measure –
And yet thou art both the root and wing,
Thou art fairy light, gliding shade…
Thou art Everything in Nothing –
Thou art Nothing in Eeverything:
Eternal hiding, eternal value,
Whose footprint in time is: measure.
Thou art eternal at the root of the moment,
With thy shadow, resplendent light plays:
This is the ancestor in existence of form who saileth –
This is the Eternal beyond form, who leaneth over…

Thou wilt come forever on the night of lights,
Thou wilt leave forever in the light of nights…

11/07. 2022., by J. W. Cassandra

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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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