Who Are the Damned?

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Who are the damned? A poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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Who Are the Damned?
by J. W. Cassandra (English Version)

Do you ask, who are the damned?
They are who, to Life came forth by choice,
Their perfectness suffered damage,
Their destiny, fate are: eternal exiled.

The damned are statues of perfectness,
Who were charmed by illusion, they’re prisoners
Of their own delusion, they’re led by goodwill
But, to help they can’t access there

Where it would be necessary; they don’t see
What is fraud of illusion, they do bless
What they should be let go, they take on others
Fate and almost break their backs.

Who are the damned? A poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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Since, their duty is not to save them,
As they believed it crazy and blind,
And being led by their helping goodwill;
Judge of their lives made them the damned.

Do you ask, who are the damned?
Those who with their lives had been arrested,
Who do bless your life with their light
And, though it isn’t their duty, save the shining ones.

So, they do mess up the order to chaos,
They become eternal prisoner of this
And their prison may open only, when
The Life does flood back into itself.

Long, grievous row of epochs drifts
The damned as the float, the blind
Fate does keep throwing them
And, the damned keep ever hoping.

Who are the damned? A poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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When on the sky the lights go on,
In the damned these hopes do burn;
When on the sky the lights do burn out,
In the damned resistance-hopes do burn.

However row of epochs should turn,
Its fast spinning should bring up anything,
In the damned, memory of heaven does live,
That’s why they keep hoping till the end of life.

The damned came for youto save you

Who are the damned? A poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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05/11. 2019., by J. W. Cassandra

Kik a kárhozottak? (Hungarian Version)

Azt kérded, kik a kárhozottak?
Akik a Létbe önként áradtak,
Tökéletességük csorbát szenvedett,
Sorsuk, végzetük: örök számkivetett.

A kárhozott a tökéletesség szobra,
Kit elragadott a Látszat, s foglya
Önnön tévedésének, jó szándék
Vezérli, ám segíteni nem ér

Oda, hol elkelne; nem látja,
Mi a Látszat trükkje, áldja
Azt, amit hagynia kellene,
Sorsát magára veszi, s belegebed.

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Mert nem megmentése a tiszte,
Mint dőrén, vakon úgy hitte,
S bár segítő szándéka vezette,
Léte Bírája kárhozottá tette.

Azt kérded, kik a kárhozottak?
Akik létükkel érted ide lebuktak,
Akik fényükkel áldják léted égivé,
S bár nem tisztük, mentik az égi lényt.

Így kuszálják a rendet káosszá,
Ennek válnak örökös foglyává,
S börtönük meg akkor nyílhat,
Mikor a Lét önmagába árad vissza.

Hosszú, keserves korszakok sora
A kárhozottakat hordalékként sodorja,
Dobálja kényére a vak Végzet,
S a kárhozottak örökkön remélnek.

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Amikor az égen kigyúlnak fények,
A kárhozottakban égnek e remények;
Amikor az égen kihunynak fények,
Kárhozottakban élnek dac-remények.

Akárhogy forduljon korszakok sora,
Akármit hozzon elő sebes sodra,
A kárhozottakban él emléke égnek,
Ezért létük végéig egyre remélnek.

A kárhozottak érted jöttek, megmenteni téged.

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  1. 02. 08., J. W. Cassandra

Who are the damned? A poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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