Make The Most Out Your Days

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Make Most of Your Days | Poem by Karan Budhiraja at UpDivine
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Make The Most Out Your Days ❤

All I have is one life,
A few moments of happiness,
A few moments of despair,

All packed up into a countable number of days,
For my stay on this planet,

I promise that i will make the most out of my every single day,

Until the forces of nature will feel that its time for my body to be thrown out of the way.

Make Most of Your Days | Poem by Karan Budhiraja at UpDivine
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Make Most of Your Days | Poem by Karan Budhiraja at UpDivine
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Karan Budhiraja

About the Author: Karan Budhiraja


  1. Beautiful write! I especially love the lines “I promise that i will make the most out of my every single day, Until the forces of nature will feel that its time for my body to be thrown out of the way”.

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