The Languid Face Of Freedom-Kilee Simon

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We tend to take sleep for granted
It is the gracious cell guard that releases us from the prison of reality Allowing one to bask in their minds tranquility

The mind
A playground where only the wittiest of kids seem to survive
How can you when it’s the universal wild card
You never know what you’re going to get
And so I humor it
Saying “what will it be today?”
I might be lucky and get all at once
Maybe sleep is there to reprimand the mind for its constant tackiness

That’s why every so often the mind gives me the key
And says “run, as fast as you can, and see if I can’t catch you”
So I run
Deep into the depths of my subconscious and bask in the few moments of peace

The same type of peace that was there when I was younger
Where my world revolves around Disney movies, Cheerios, and messy fingers
Until you find out years later those fingers weren’t as messy as you thought they were
And the monsters the we claimed hid in the dark were not half as chilling as the ones outside

It was as if the cloudy illusion of childhood eventually faded away Leaving a cold reality behind it to endure
And so I sleep
To wash off the words on pages from the day before

We tend to take sleep for granted
But I embrace it as my soul returns to its nirvana And I relish in the languid face of freedom

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Kilee Simon

About the Author: Kilee Simon

Hello! I am a 15 year old girl who got introduced to the world of writing, and the rest is history :) Follow my Instagram @itskaii04

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