The Accused – You Be The Judge

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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I bring to you a sad affair

Someone who evokes such fury, yet one who faces deep despair

For this, the accused who faces death, or lives according to your decree

Who makes no statement with dying breath, yet silently invokes her plea

What crimes are done by this lost soul, what evil deeds did she aspire?

And where the witness of her death toll, the evidence that guilt requires?

No crime recorded, no victim slain, no trace of murder or robbery

No voice of condemnation raised, none here to force a guilty plea

She has no wrongs in her short life, has no deceit within her soul

No hurt has she, nor human spite, no determined selfish goal

But one accuser, here today, one joined in life and woven fate

This one though will have her say, and claim the life she helped create

This witness claims to suffer pain, and a prison, should the accused survive

That her life will ebb and be restrained, and sadness would always reside

For some accusers have been defiled, by monstrous beasts of lust and hate

Others young and so beguiled, are induced by charm, so participate

Others spy disease and defect, and cry acts of mercy to prevent

They choose to extinguish and protect, rather than one day regret

And then are those alone who strive, who cannot toil with life’s results

And so instead, they choose their lives, and cry for freedom do exult

But where in these stands the accused, silent and awaiting fate

Her breath and freedom she is refused, for all the reasons the witness states

Is she alive, does she have form, within her soft and warm abode?

Where her heart beats, and fingers form, and from miracles she is wove

Was she not also one defiled, is she not young and helpless too?

Would malady she reject, and death instead would opt to choose?

And would not her life loneliness cure, and make a future with great light?

And comfort one who gave her life, and join her purpose true and right

For the accused can offer more than this, should she be allowed today to live

Has so much that she can share, so much love and joy to give

For in our world, where children die, through hate and fate and evil men

We cherish those we lost too soon, and yearn to see our child again

But what of the accused today, what future do we her deny?

A nurse, a doctor or a friend, a mother of so many lives?

How sad the accuser, so resolute, yet desperate to belong

In a world where our rights are so absolute, that they obscure the wrongs

And what she gains through this sad act, she loses so much more

A legacy of love and hope, a daughter who will adore

And so good people of the jury, I ask that you reflect

Upon the life of this dear child, so amazing and perfect

For my client has committed no crime, no evil deed or word

Is blameless and so innocent, and would not have caused this hurt

I ask therefore for mercy true, that her life be now redeemed

That she might live, and love and learn, and so pursue her dreams

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Steve Brown

About the Author: Steve Brown

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