Strength of a Mother’s Love

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Strength of a mother's love | A poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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She bravely wakes up every morning to face the same chaos that left her drained the night before, because they need her to be a mother.

She smiles even when her own heart is breaking because they need someone to draw strength from.

She teaches them to have faith in good things even if she struggles to crawl out of her own darkness because they need to see the light.

Strength of a mother's love | A poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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(Excerpt from the Poetry Book – Bared)

Strength of a mother's love | A poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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Mystqx Skye

About the Author: Mystqx Skye

She loves to write. Craves for the taste of sun on her skin. Misses the wave & sand caressing her feet. Constantly updates her bucket list. Book Author: Bared.

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