She waits…

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She waits…

For them, but she waits for a year to pass just to get closer to another year

She waits…

To see the day just of being able to hear their voice

She waits…

For the day to
Proclaim her rightful place

She waits…

Just to gaze upon their face

She waits…

To be able to just give such a
Long deserved hug

She waits…

To tell her story to them

She waits…

Just to say

I love you

To them

Fourteen years of waiting with 4 more to go. My daughter waits with me so one day she can say she loves them too. 

I have a story to tell will you listen with an open heart?


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Marcy Martinez

About the Author: Marcy Martinez

Marcy Martinez is an Instagram poet who started in Oct 2019. She wants to fulfill a dream of becoming a published author in many book genres. Her life is in her poetry.

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