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So, once I was watching a web – series, as a lot of people are doing these days. And after watching it, there was this little – yet important thought… I needed to share.
About the show – Its four seasons are not easy for everyone to complete. When I was watching the 1st season, I remember my friend used to watch it in college and I kept asking myself… how did she manage to watch it. I must say, I got some real respect for her – that she did! But later, with next seasons when I got into talk with her one day… she told me it was so depressing that she didn’t finish it! I was not surprised, Because it’s actually not easy. No one can take this much pressure of multiple emotions! Even so, I had to get done with it. I was watching it 24*7 with obvious breaks AND I AGREE, it is a show – which is DARK, DEPRESSING, SAD, FRUSTRATING, CONFUSING, and somewhere with HELPLESSNESS and much more. But in my belief – IT IS A JOURNEY – OF OVERCOMING THAT WORLD – WHICH IS MAKING YOU UNABLE TO BREATHE.
Life is something you cannot control. So many things happen, and you have to be a part of it without your wish and because of the need/ demand. All the same in so many situations you have the power to take control. And in so many times you know you can make the change.
Talking about the series, in the last episode, they say – SURVIVE. And it is correct.
If you can imagine to keep moving after achieving happiness, success, love, friendship and so many positive and happy things…! Then why can’t you make yourself to keep moving after facing sadness, failures, heartbreaks!!! YOU CAN.
Yes, I agree with the fact that we are weaker in negative, low and emotional situations but believe me, just one determined thought that – “You’ll get through this” – gonna help you magically and bring great of the times in life.
No one knows what it was BEFORE THIS LIFE and how it will be AFTER THIS LIFE. You have to make EVERYTHING – HERE! In this life. Where you are breathing! Where you know – what is what. And… good and bad, positive and negative, they all are gonna be there. Live it. All these things are the part of this life. When there are so many emotions… why not live them all, experience them all…!
This world is crowd of huge number of people. And YOU ARE A PART of it. There are many possibilities that a lot of feelings/ emotions/ thoughts would be similar to some others also -and many possibilities that a lot of people won’t understand you and many people who will understand!!!
If a person makes you feel bad then there is another who will make you feel good. If someone makes you feel low then there is another who will cheer you up. If someone is not understanding your words, there is someone who will understand the silence. The thing is A LOT of people are not yours and there is A LOT of people who ARE! So never feel that no one will understand, because they will. It takes time. And keep moving. And if you find not a single soul with you, then it’s just the moment where you have to hold your own hand and start moving. GET STRONG. Because with someone else or your own-self – YOU HAVE TO KEEP MOVING!!!
Even if you feel everything is finished/ over. Trust me it is not. You never know what future or the coming moment brings. Always try to be excited! For receiving the surprise. Embrace it. And remember – If you can imagine to keep moving after achieving happiness, success, love, friendship and so many positive and happy things!…Then you can make yourself to keep moving after facing sadness, failures, heartbreaks!!! YOU CAN.
– Ocean Singh
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Ocean Singh

About the Author: Ocean Singh

Flying and Freeing with the words - Ocean Singh


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