An Endless Evening…

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An Endless Evening….

This evening goes on like a a never ending river,

It follows on and on flashing all the way.

Something unsaid, something unheard,

A few secrets nothing are shared,

Somewhere or the other a deep desire has awakened,

Somehow or the other we disclosed our feelings too.

Lost in the silence of this evening,

We are maddened buy our passion,

Lost and carefree is the silly breeze,

But aware of the glimpses that we share.

The sky turns crimson, the wind runs gentle and;

The setting sun throws its rosy hue in the water.

The swiftly falling Shadows of this evening,

Remind us to return home,

Still we are obstinate to depart from this evening.

Though this evening stretches its wings in pleasantly aura,

There’s none to witness the captivating charm of the ending,

But we are willing to be lost in this evening,

That spreads endlessly.



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About the Author: ParthivRhythm Das

I'm an aspiring writer having an ardent passion for writing poems, short stories and quotes. | Nature Enthusiast | Dendrophile | Logophile | Poet |


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