The voice of the Shadow

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By Parthiv Rhythm Das


There is no desire of sleep in my eyes,

Until the victim is resigned,

A dark shadow holds the silence of crime,

To seek the bones that he must find;

Dead eyes perceive the reality and dead souls weep,

While the dead men from the coffin creep,

But the nightmare of murder glows in silence.

Murder has the devil of shame,

That lies in the matter of my fame;

A shadow shed tears, uttering my name

But the shadow changes to bone with ghastly spell of thoughts,

Blind in the vision of death, his story was not the same,

What wounds did I, that he is hurt?

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About the Author: ParthivRhythm Das

I'm an aspiring writer having an ardent passion for writing poems, short stories and quotes. | Nature Enthusiast | Dendrophile | Logophile | Poet |


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