Happy New Year
The New Year is commencing let’s make some resolutions
Never scare of problems just go on finding their solutions
Let’s the graph of your development must never go down
Sometimes situations may be challenging but you never frown
Muster up your courage to face every endeavour
This is your life’s struggle here nobody will favour
Life doesn’t give you another chance to do everything nicely
Ponder on every decision and you must take them very wisely
Come out of comfort zone as the world is galloping very fast
Lethargic people have no place here as they are very last
Analyse your achievements of past and be ready for future
Time doesn’t wait for anyone as it is the law of Nature
Your deed should talk about you; you shouldn’t talk about your deed
First, put your life on the right track then only you accelerate the speed
Celebration of New Year is every year but is there really any need?
Do Nobel deeds for others in life that will be real celebration indeed
Sajed Ali Khan