“Artist in the Universe”

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I submerge myself into the energy of vibrancy and it’s fluidity of abstract color.

Art inside my bones, I am the creator of my illustrated reality.

I tempt myself in the waterfalls of liquid gold as I swim in lucid dreams.

Waves of imagination, caught in the current of curiosity——am I to drift? Am I to drown?

Perhaps the gills of my infinite soul give oxygen to the questionable illusion of suffocation and death.

Am I only capable to experience the cosmos if I am high?

Because, I’m sober.

The psychedelics are oozing from the chambers and valves of my heart;

soaking and reacting with the nutrients of my rich, thick, red blood——causing an intrinsic and extrinsic explosion of the universe in my soul.

The capability of creating art in the 3D, exemplifies it.

Sianna Reigine.

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Sianna Burgos-Altman

About the Author: Sianna Burgos-Altman

I find the subtle beauty that lies within everything that exists. Everything is alive in my eyes which allows me to create authentically in my writing.

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