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“Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong because of pride.
I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive

Wisdom spreads across my dome
But my reflection refuses to believe
I’ve achieved this
for yesterday no one would ever speak of me ever reaching this

4th decade of life

And I agreed
for life was so bleak
unable to tap into frequencies that would allow me to achieve
All that I seeked

Wallowing in self pity
Roaming on the range with the romans
living a life so strange
emulating their bad omens
predesigned by the I
a million years ago
took a few decades more
to grow
to know this
taking notice
in this

4th decade of life

Wisdom gained with age
aware of past mistakes
disgusted by my foolish ways
Henna seaps deep in my crown
diguising that of which i am
so very ashamed

made it out the fray
by Jah Jahs grace
visualized other beings greater than me
no longer occupy this time and space
Resting in peace

Age showcases my wisdom
for I wasn’t born this way
A naive sinner
whos vision grew clearer
after so many
lessons learned
bridges burned
along a path
lead towards darker days

Hardened by the battle of life
Yet realizing,
Recognizing that I am
blessed to be alive
My reflection reflects
Over all that It has endured and overcome
remembering aggrssive phases
staring at the changes
that I’ve made it this far
unable to fully lye the wisdom from my face
and older soldier
manifesting change in this

4th decade of life



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Richard Wesley

About the Author: Richard Wesley

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