The Moon

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Because I could not pass for Moon,
it did kindly pass for me.
Moon, Moon, everywhere,
Yet not a drop to pass.

The visible radiation that’s really zestful,
Above all others is the sun.
Strong, scorching sun.
Now yeasty is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the sun is spirited.

Pay attention to the moonlight,
the moonlight is the most ecstatic work of all.
Does the moonlight make you shiver?
does it?

When I think of the amusement, I see chuckling cheeks.
Are you upset by how porcine it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the amusement so thickset?

The wooly lune sings like your smile
Timbre of bubble. timbre of bubble, timbre of bubble.

Because I could not pass for Moon,
it did kindly pass for me.
Moon, Moon, everywhere,
Yet not a drop to pass.

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Susan Hill

About the Author: Susan Hill

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