Dream Cloud

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Waking up each day to a glorious morning. 

The sky is purple and sweet pink, makes me want to cry.

How high they are so I can reach to fly.

The Stars aligned so magically, they form and many creatures of history.

I weep.

I seek.

To my truest Love from within.

My mind is at rest.

My heart is at peace.

My soul is beautiful.

I have many doubts.

I come to have issues.

As each breath I take-

Makes me feel heavenly glorious like the full moon.

How peacefully in quiet is stares at me.

So innocent and pure.

As the afternoon comes, the Angels fly in one direction.

With the birds, doves, the trees and the wind.

Everlastingly, makes me want to dream again.

No stressful sorrows and worries abound.

I may and shall pray about it as the universe controls my every step and action and thought of rainy darkness each day.

The inspiration is so bold and alive.

Even when it’s wintery cold .

I know that my love of poetry is forever gold.

The clouds above in the sky are my breath.

My meditation and prayers.

My exercise and work.

My everything in between.

I don’t want to follow any rules.

Just let me be with them in pure and enlightenment and tranquility.

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Dana Sims

About the Author: Dana Sims

Hello, I'm an Aesthetic Poet and enjoys writing poetry ever since I was young. Please follow me on my social media profiles and YouTube channel as The Lotus Moon Diaries.

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