The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra

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Obscurity of Memory

In the quite distant time obscured by memory, the Four Rivers’ Dragon had lived among the four great rivers of the ages old, vast Dragon Land.

He moved here after the dragon fights had been over, knowing that who is surrounded by four rivers on Earth, the light of the Moon, that of the Sun, and the stars shine above his head, and the power of goodness springs in himself, that being is invincible.

This dragon lived a long, peaceful life, the first of the Four Rivers’ Dragons, and feeling his death approaching, he called his successor to himself.

This benevolent dragon arrived then at once at the old Four Rivers’ Dragon, who entrusted him keeping the following story:

„Listen to me carefully, because after telling you what you need to know, I will move back to our heavenly abode! Then from that time, you will be the Four Rivers’ Dragon, and you have to keep the knowledge and then impart it to your successor, which I will now impart to you.


There is an enormous column in the Dragons’ Celestial Residence. With a style, hardened in dragon fire and dipped in dragon’s blood, the following secret is engraved on it: the two big species of dragons, the benevolent and the maleficent, will overflow the Earth by the will of Heavenly Father, and the Age of Punishment will begin.

In the Age of Punishment, sinners will be destroyed by the will of Heavenly Father, and this will be accomplished by maleficent dragons.

The Benevolent Dragons and the Dragons’ Folk

When the sinners will all be punished, the benevolent dragons will also come to the Earth to curb the destruction out of control of the evil dragons among people. In order to defeat the evil dragons, the Heavenly Father will give all help, and as a result, the allies of the dragons, the so-called Dragons’ Folk, will come to the Earth. They consist of not homogeneous people, but they will divide into four isolated, different language-speaking folks, though they will be of one heart, courageous, experienced in all kinds of battles.

These folks will be dreaded warriors during dragon fights who will be able to accept the glove against the evil dragons, and will hold their ground against even the most dreadful dragon. Their shamans, the heavenly healers with the help of warriors, become allies with the benevolent dragons, who finally, after the terrible Black Battle, once and for all, defeat that of the evil species in the Battle of the Red Dragon.

After the Battle of the Red Dragon

By this time, the last remaining dragon moves between the four rivers, helping humans to restore balance on Earth, for the rest of his life. The Four Rivers’ Dragon will live here until the four folks in the area to which they will migrate after the Battle of the Red Dragon, will create balance, then this dragon will leave his knowledge to his successor and will return to the Heavenly residence of Dragons. The dragons in this celestial residence are neither evil nor good, for there is no need to divide them, they are all the same there, and under the control of the Heavenly Father they continue to live in the form of the Celestial Dragon Snake, which is drawn in the night sky in the form of a constellation, namely in that of Draco.

The Four Rivers’ Star and the Dragons’ Folk

And the four folks, who had been for that term allies of the benevolent dragons, their mission being expired, will return to the Four Rivers’ Star at the end of their mission, which is seen in the night sky in the form of the Great Bear and the Little Bear, also called the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper, or forefathers even had seen it as a Chariot…

The Little Bear’s Warrior Folk, the Moonbeams’ Silver Warriors, the Orient Aurora’s Rays’ Folk and the Great Bear’s Warrior Folk return to this star at the end of their time, and the legends spreading about it will tell so, that the Moonbeams’ Silver Warriors will be led by Star-Warrior, the Great Khan, the Little Bear’s Warrior Folk will be led by Heaven’s Prince, and the Orient Aurora’s Rays’ Folk will be led by the Dragon King, who will have his place in the celestial palace again instead of the underwater palace. In the end, the Great Bear’s Warrior Folk will be led by a prince, Wind-Swift, on the Star Path to the Four Rivers’ Star…

The Great Bear’s Warrior Folk also preserves the prince of legends in songs, who, galloping on his horse, fleet of foot named „Hawk” appears ever there, where there is the heat of battles, and he charges on the enemy riding his magic steed, with his warriors when everything seems to be lost…

They Gallop Away at the Head of their Folks on the Star Path

When time of these four heroic folks expires on Earth, according to the writing engraved in the Heavenly Column, Star-Warrior, the Khan of the Moonbeams’Silver Warriors, Prince of Heaven, the ruler of the Little Bear’s Warrior Folk, the Dragon King, the ruler of the Orient Aurora’s Rays’ Folk, and Prince Wind-Swift, the prince of the Great Bear’s Warrior Folk appear once more again, ultimately; and they gallop away at the head of their folks on the star path to lead their folks to the Four Rivers’ Star, where they will be reunited, and according to the Heavenly Father’s will, they will wait to the change of time, for setting out for new battles by the side of the dragons, when some day, the signs will show it has come true…

Engrave it in Dragon Blood on the Four Rivers’ Pillar!

Stand sentinel this story, and when your life draws to its end, engrave it in dragon blood on the Four Rivers’ Pillar so that people can finally get acquainted the true greatness of their heroes!” The Four Rivers’ Dragon finished, being rowed out, and he moved to his heavenly residence.

And his successor, for now the last Four Rivers’ Dragon engraved this legend to the Four Rivers’ Pillar, and at the end of his long life he imparted his secret to the four representatives of the Dragons’ Folk, who sang and told a series of sagas, legends, songs for their people, and all the legends, sagas and songs live on even today among the Moonbeams’ Silver Warriors, the Orient Aurora’s Rays’ Folk, the Little Bear’s Warrior Folk and among the Great Bear’s Warrior Folk, and they will live on, even when their celestial residence becomes again the Four Rivers’ Star on the Star-Way, that is the Big Dipper, having been seen by the forefathers as a Chariot…


Written: 22/11. 2008., by J. W. Cassandra

Translated: 21/03. 2021., by J. W. Cassandra

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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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