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(Haiku Poetry & Lyrics)


Haiku in English Language is a very short Poem which impresses listeners.

It’s a Japanese famous Poetry. A Haiku in the English language is often written in three short lines and read out aloud in about six seconds. Haiku is a world’s shortest poem consisting of just 17 syllables, also called morae or morae. Total Three line poem. First line 5 words (words are called syllables or morae), second line 7 words, Third line 5 words).

How to write Haiku poem: A haiku is a short three line poem that uses sensory language to capture a feeling or image. Haiku poetry was originally developed by Japanese poets. People are often inspired by nature a moment of beauty, or poignant experience. To write a haiku, start by brainstorming ideas for the poem. Then, write the poem with strong details and detailed imagery. Make sure you polish the haiku and listen to how it sounds out loud so it is at its best. A haiku expresses a single feeling or impression and contains three unrhymed lines of five, seven and five syllables, respectively.

What are haiku? A hai means ‘unusual’ and ku means ‘verse’ or ‘strophe’. So haiku are, literally, unusual verses.

Example-1:  Go for a walk in nature: Many haiku are inspired by objects in the natural world, such as trees, rocks, mountains and flowers. To get ideas for your poem, take a walk in a part nearby or go for a hike in the woods. To head to the mountain trail or a body of water like a river, lake, or beach. Spend some time in nature and observe, it is so you can get ideas for the poem.

Example – 2: Focus on a season or seasonal event or on a natural Nature’s beauty or Nature’s water-falls and mountains: Haiku can also be about a season, viz. fall, spring, winter or summer. You can also focus on a natural event that happens at a certain time of year, such as the blooming of the cherry blossom, trees in your neighborhood.

Seasonal haiku often focus on a specific detail about he season, naming the season in the poem. Writing about a season can be a fun away for you to describe a particular detail you love about that time of year.

Example – 3: Choose a person or object as your subject: Haiku do not all have to be about nature or the seasons. You can also choose a particular person or object or love or beauty, as inspiration for the poem. May be you want to write a funny haiku about you god. Or perhaps you want to write a thoughtful haiku about your childhood toy.

·        Try to only focus on one person or one object or one specific subject in the poem. Haiku are short and you may not have enough space in three lines to write every thought you have about the person or object of on nature or love etc.

Writing a haiku requires intense effort but the poem is well worth it. It is easy to feel a sense of perfection when viewing a perfectly formed Haiku.

Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu has written 400 Haiku poetry (Proposed to write 1000 Haiku Poetry by 15th August 2018) and shall be written in the present tense.

This Haiku poetry could well be utilised in Movies/TV serial plays, Radio. Also, many Advertisement Companies, throughout the world, in almost all the major countries, use the contents of this selected Haiku Poetry as Labels for various products that are manufactured.  Even the Advt. Labels, are used as main captions for the finished goods.

The short and sweet poetry consisting of three line poem, (5+7+5=17 words/syllables/morae), is the highlight of this Haiku, which is now well in demand in all the major Countries.

The poetry categories are varied on various subject matter, which include Nature, Love, Romance, Peace, Charity, Rehabilitation, War, Forest, Beauty, Service Business, Governance, Industry, Film field, Water, Air, Sky, Earth, Research, Science, Education, Culture, Arts, Dance, Tourism, Sports & Games, Gamble, Entertainment, Adventure, Invention, Discovery and many more.

The beauty of the composition of Haiku Poetry lies in the presentation of language, which is so impressive and equally good, when compared to English literature.  The present trend is Haiku Poetry, which is in vogue all over the world and being used and utilised in Movies/TVs/Radio/Album/Label. Haiku Poetry is viable and Haiku Writers/Lyricists/Poetry Writers are well recognised and handsomely paid for their Haiku work. There is no doubt in it.

Presently, Haiku Poetry is much in demand and also its present trend and market demand is good.  All the Haiku writers need good experience to write haiku poetry and one should have good command over English. The way which the Haiku Writer think through his ingenious vision about a subject of his dream thought,  the presentation of poetry version on paper, would be excellent, and even at times, it outsmarts the English Literature.

People/Music Lovers/Musicians/Singers who read or listen to Haiku Poetry feel happy. Haiku is in use and exists from many Centuries.

The future of this Haiku Poetry, People would be pleased to hear more through various means of News Channels and also through Films/Movies/Advertisements/Radio/Television relays.

Mantri Mark’s 400+ Haiku Poetry (Proposed to write 1000 Haiku Poetry by 15 August 2018) could well pay the attention of Readers from the World and hope that the Haiku Poetry is best utilised in Movies/TVs/Radio/Album/Label purposes. Short, Sweet and compact is the Haiku Poetry. I request Producers, Film Makers/Musicians to please contact for their requirement of Haiku Poetry.

Presently, short poetry is being the trend and in use, people residing all over the world including major countries, is following this type of poetry usage. Moreover, it is very easy to grasp the subject theme and one can remember well and can sing anywhere, even at home or outside travelling place. It is also very easy to compose, tube the ragas by Musicians and it is very easy to sing the poem like a song by the Singers. The literary writing, duly compressing with a beautiful words for the creation of short poetry, is a typical task for the poetry writers and one should thorough in English subject knowledge, to become this type of short poem, especially like Haiku Poetry.

Haiku is famous in Japan. Today, Haiku Societies exist in Japan, the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, London, Scotland, Australia, Sri Lanka and almost haiku in use in English speaking countries viz., Germany, Sweden, France, Mexico, The Netherlands, the Balkan countries and Russia, and in few countries in the world. Almost, Haiku (comes from a ‘first verse’ called hokku) is cherished in 50 Countries in the World. One of them is Croatia.

Great sense of commitment, dedication, and knowledge is, of course, needed apart from time sparing to write the poetry/poem, which enhances the shrewd thinking power of a Poetry Writer leading to his/her getting fame and reputation at one point or the other in the society circle and spread to people all over the world, because, the communication tools and social media is an asset and plays an important role in sphere-heading the news.

Thanking you and with warm regards
All the Best and Good Luck,

Dr. Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu
Haiku Writer, Lyricist, Song & Story Writer
Email:  [email protected]
Ph: +91-9951038802/+91-8106531738
Hyderabad-500062 (Telangana State) INDIA 🇮🇳

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About the Author: Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu

Poet, Novelist, Song and Story Writer. Published Author. Founder of POETIC CHARMINAR. Hyderabad India. Members from 100+ Countries. Hon. Doctorate in LITTT from ITMUT Brazil

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