Why Presumptions Go Wrong

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Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu
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Did anybody presume that Mrs. Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, would be killed by her own Body Guards?
Has anybody presumed that Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi would lose power during 2014 General Elections? Of course, everybody presumed her third consecutive win in general elections – but that did not happen.
Did anybody expect that Sahara Chief Mr. Subrata Roy’s properties would be auctioned for paying the investors money back, as per the Supreme Court of India Order?
Has anybody presumed that Mr. Vijay Mallya’s Kingfisher Planes would be asked to go in for airworthiness certificate by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) of Government of India after clearing all the tax dues to Government, salaries to its staff and other due payments?
India presumed a big World Cup Cricket Match at Australia, but, presumption became a negative dream.
Mr. B V Ramalinga Raju, former Chief of Satyam Computers Company dreams shattered why? What happened to his plans and presumptions?
Everybody presumed 50:50 chances in Delhi elections (BJP Vs AAP) – all presumptions of BJP went wrong? Yes. AAP made a clean sweep in 2015 Delhi Assembly Elections. Why presumption went wrong?
All investors’ presumption that they get good interest money and safe in investment with Agri Gold Company which went wrong why?.
The survey of TV channels, media channels and news papers presumed that Mr. Y. Jagan Mohan Reddy’s YSR Party would trounce in the 2014 Andhra Pradesh Assembly General Elections and Lok Sabha Elections.  All the presumptions went wrong why?
Did anybody presume that the High Court situated at Afzalgunj area is likely to shift to posh Gachibowli area near Hitech City of Cyberabad?
Sometimes presumptions may become correct or come to nearer to presumptions, but, most of the presumptions may not become correct OR come to nearer to presumptions, but most of the presumptions may not become correct.
Of course, many people in the younger days or youth days, or middle age or at old age they think more and plan more on many things, they would like to do, they wanted to settle in Civil Services or jobs or IT field or business or do something or they wanted to enter in to politics.  People are of different types and different types of mind set for each and everybody.  In their interest, of course, it all depends.  They presume many things to settle down in their own life and they plan accordingly.  They presume many things sometimes, and goes beyond ones expectations, ;but one should know well that planning to settle down is of course, is an ideal thing, but for everything money is needed and money is involved for dosing any activity.  But, now-a-days without money, one cannot do anything.
Money makes many things.  We will say, even for settling down for business money is needed.  For getting an employment or job money is needed to be spent in times and to go abroad for training or for higher education or for any job purpose money is needed and one has to spend substantial money.  To write any competitive exams, civil services exams, to study abroad, lot of money is needed for purchase of study material, tuition fee payments etc.
Even to enter into politics, lot of money is to be spent for movement purpose, contacts purpose, communication purpose and for establishment good relations with top leaders and even prepared to pay towards party fund.
Even for setting up a business lot of money is needed to be dumped towards cost of building, furniture, government approvals, permissions, staff salaries, procurement of capital equipment etc without which, it is difficult to set up any business for medicine line with BPC (Biology, Physics, Chemistry) subjects and prepare for the medical entrance examination.  These students by the time they get qualified in entrance exams, their parents may not be able to meet huge capitation fee in private medical colleges. It gets upset the aspiring students.  These students join for 3-year B Sc degree course or for any diploma course.  These things are very common.  The students presume something and the things move in a different way.
So also, students opting for engineering course for doing BE/B Tech 4-year regular course, get qualified and at that time their parents may not be able to pay or meet the fee payments and capitation fee etc.  Such students end up in doing technical diploma courses and join in some factory workshops as Tradesmen and as Technicians.
Many people who opt to become electrical engineering end up as electricians, due to financial stringencies and bottle-necks.
People who want to become singers become music directors, actors become extra-artists, technicians become directors, and doctors become as actors.  All these things we have been regularly seeing in life.
Things do not happen as we except.  Something we wish to happen, it won’t happen.  Something we don’t expect to happen, it happens in favor.  Things do misfire in each and everybody’s life.  It is, but natural.  Our fates are written like this.  What to do.  Man proposes and God disposes.  One has to be ready for any eventuality.  If we plan for something the plan will never become a reality.
For example, if somebody saves money for purchase of a piece of land, but such accrued money will be spent for his sister’s marriage or for parent’s major hospitalization charges and for medical treatment.
If somebody accrues money for purchase of car or gold, such money will be diverted for some annual ceremonies.
If somebody saves money in any chit fund companies for certain purpose, the chit fund company abruptly makes shutters down and all the chit holders’ money and investors money is lost.
If anybody puts their money in share market, such share market prices suddenly plunged and all the investors are put into loss.
If any investor invests in any business such business will go into heavy loss and are bound to close the shutters.
One presumes in life many things, but such things never happen. May be reasons are unknown. Our hands are like that.
If some ladies want to become as a fashion designer, such persons are bound to become as ladies tailors.  Many upsets do happen in real life.  Things never do happen as ever expected.
Of course, planning is needed and necessary and for effective preparation, advance funds are to be kept available or ear-mark sufficient budget to the required plans.
One cannot change the FATE of any person.  People presume on many aspects; but, ultimately, sometimes presumptions become correct and most presumptions do not become correct.  It all depends on the FATE and LUCK of a person.
Thank Q for
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Story & Songwriter, Lyricist
Haiku Writer
Rachakonda District
+91 9951038802
+91 8106531738
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About the Author: Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu

Poet, Novelist, Song and Story Writer. Published Author. Founder of POETIC CHARMINAR. Hyderabad India. Members from 100+ Countries. Hon. Doctorate in LITTT from ITMUT Brazil

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