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Live | A Wisdom Poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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LIVE ~  

Let me tell you, there is no other way than to live like this –

Love with abandon

Laugh uncontrollably

Write your heart out

Dance in the rain (try it!)

Sit and try hatching ideas

Fall madly in love with someone

Move to the drumbeats of your heart

Feel the earth beneath your bare feet

Go cloud watching, star gazing and moonbaths

Have walks along the beach during sunset or sunrise

Overnight with fireflies, savor the evening breeze

Find at least one snowflake or a miracle

Excite your senses, taste everything

Indulge in higher pleasure

Smell the morning mist

Travel. Travel. Travel.

Take the leap of faith

Live with Passion

Bare your soul

Why not?

Be bold



Live | A Wisdom Poem by  Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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(Excerpt from poetry book – Bared)

Live | A Wisdom Poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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Mystqx Skye

About the Author: Mystqx Skye

She loves to write. Craves for the taste of sun on her skin. Misses the wave & sand caressing her feet. Constantly updates her bucket list. Book Author: Bared.


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