You fill a person with enthusiasm and zeal
You make a feeble fish stronger like an eel
Your presence makes an ant roar like a lion
Because of you, it considers itself like a giant
You are the one who turns quitters into winners
When you exceed the limit some idiots become sinners
You are generated in the depth of the heart
Nobody can buy you however he may be smart
You are found everywhere but we must feel
Without you, we can not succeed in any deal
You are reflected in the eyes of the possessor
Because of you, only one becomes the successor
You must be nourished and never be perished
The one who has you his life will be flourished
You are the soul of every successful story
You play a very vital role in every glory
Because of you, people could conquered the world
Some didn’t scare even when they reached the scaffold
Because of you Caesar thrice refused the crown
He fought many battles but never had he frowned
You made Alexander, Alexander the Great
In today’s world, it’s difficult to find such a trait
Therefore always remember in life and never get coward
Because never ever on such people laurels are showered