“Defeat” (The Best Master)

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“Defeat” (The Best Master)
Never loath defeat as it teaches us a lot
You could be of any group or any slot
Your reason for losing is hidden in defeat
You must not allow the same mistake to repeat
Instead of the heart take defeat to your mind
Instead of crying its reasons, you must find
Take an oath same reasons will never repeat
Then no one in this world can ever you defeat
Do practice rigorously without watching time
Don’t pay any heed to when your clock chime
Winners might get intoxicated in their winning attitude
But you remember you have to reach a very high altitude
So take defeat in positive and intensify your struggle
Bid farewell to your rest and you yourself the trouble
So eradicate negative thoughts from your mind
The way to win only always you must find
Success is never-ending and defeat is not ultimate
Do intense hard work and your success will be proximate
Sajed Ali Khan
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About the Author: Sajid Ali Khan

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