Invitation from Death

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Invitation From Death | A Poem by Lameez Masher at UpDivine
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Death seductively invited me over the other day

I had no idea what to say

So I said I’m on my way

Death seemed pleased to hear that I could come

And when I got there he offered me a bottle of rum

I took a sip of the drink

And suddenly in my thoughts I began to sink

Then I looked at the bottle to see

What rum could this be

The bottle was labelled ‘Past’

And had intoxicated my thoughts fast

It drove my thoughts wild

Death had forgotten I was only a child

Death saw me in anguishing pain

And asked if I like the rain

Baffled by that question I replied saying yes

Then he responded by asking how I came to like this mess

I thought and thought but nothing came to mind

I actually didn’t know what made this pain and I bind

Death laughed and said I can tell you the reason why

It is because you yearn to die

You seek pain to feel alive

So you inflict pain upon yourself to survive

Death then put his hand on my shoulder and said

Those who seek death almost never end up dead

So you are messing up your life and making your destiny set

For the knife you might never get

I looked at death in his face

And said, ‘but you know I will never win this race’

Death laughed and said,’you think too much

Please stop thinking of such’

Then death had disappeared

And he left me to handle all that I feared.

Invitation From Death | A Poem by Lameez Masher at UpDivine
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Lameez Masher

About the Author: Lameez Masher


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