Happy Holidays

This is a poem written by me for this holiday season, when most my cousins are away. Hope we can celebrate the next holiday season together.

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J. W. Cassandra: Ints varázspálcáddal!

Wave Your Magic Wand!, by J. W. Cassandra. The poem was formed by chance: I wanted to find a quote on the magic of light, in the advent term, to one of my photos – and I failed. So, I wrote this poem. First it was written only in English and today morning I created the Hungarian version, as well. And now I’m sharing it with the photo. It’s an own one, with a light-tram that is called in Hungary ‘csillamos’ – this is the contraction of words ‘sparkling’ and ‘tramway’. We could it tell in English about ‘spark-tram’. I hope you can intuit my inspiration for writing. And I wish everybody a merry Christmas who celebrates it, all who don’t do so, them I wish a great and peaceful, winter term, full of love. There is here the Hungarian version of the poem.

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Wave Your Magic Wand!, by J. W. Cassandra

Wave Your Magic Wand!, by J. W. Cassandra. The poem was formed by chance: I wanted to find a quote on the magic of light, in the advent term, to one of my photos – and I failed. So, I wrote this poem. First it was written only in English and today morning I created the Hungarian version, as well. And now I’m sharing it with the photo. It’s an own one, with a light-tram that is called in Hungary ‘csillamos’ – this is the contraction of words ‘sparkling’ and ‘tramway’. We could it tell in English about ‘spark-tram’. I hope you can intuit my inspiration for writing. And I wish everybody a merry Christmas who celebrates it, all who don’t do so, them I wish a great and peaceful, winter term, full of love.

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