J. W. Cassandra: Ballada az Örökről

J. W. Cassandra: Ballada az Örökről. A menyasszony, akiről a verset írtam, misztikus menyasszonyként is értelmezhető. Ezt a verset tegnap írtam, és csak később fogom kötetbe rakni. Mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom. Remélem, tetszeni fog a versem! Illusztráció: BC Y, Pixabay. Ballad of the Eternal, by J. W. Cassandra. The bride whom I wrote the poem, may be interpreted even as a mysterious bride. This poem is a ballad and it was written yesterday and I will place it into my volumes only later. I share it here both in English and Hungarian. I will share it after this one. I hope you all will like the poem. Illustration is by BC Y, Pixabay.

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Ballad of the Eternal, by J. W. Cassandra

Ballad of the Eternal, by J. W. Cassandra. The bride whom I wrote the poem, may be interpreted even as a mysterious bride. This poem is a ballad and it was written yesterday and I will place it into my volumes only later. I share it here both in English and Hungarian. (It was a difficult task to translate it into English, for I felt in my mind the rhythm of the Hungarian version and this emphatic versification based on the rhythm composed of 6 syllables in a row is but it is difficult to render in English.) However, I tried to solve the task and if you would like to feel its ‘music’ or rhythm, maybe, you would better to check the Hungarian version, as well. I will share it after this one. I hope you all will like the poem. Illustration is by BC Y, Pixabay.

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What color would you be -A Ballad by Ritika Nahata

What Color Would be? (Ballad)

Ballads are a form of narrative verse that can be either poetic or musical; not all ballads are songs. Many ballads tell stories, but this is not a mandatory attribute of the form. Many musical ballads are slow and emotionally evocative. And some are simply playful and fun.

What color would you be -A Ballad by Ritika Nahata
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