Betty and Chubby - A Catena Rondo Poem by Ritika Nahata

Betty and Chubby | A Catena Rondo Poem

Betty and Chubby is a Catena Rondo poem. Catena Rondo is a poetic style that deals with intense repetitions of lines. Each stanza of the poem is a quatrain.

Betty and Chubby - A Catena Rondo Poem by Ritika Nahata
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My Best Friend - A Bref Double Poem by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine

My Best Friend | A Bref Double Poem

Bref double is a French poetic form consisting of 3 quatrains and a final couplet, making 14 lines.
It is a 14-line poem, but not a sonnet.

My Best Friend - A Bref Double Poem by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine
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I Saved One Soul by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine

I Saved One Soul – An Allegory

Emily Dickinson once said if I could “help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.” Since I read the poem, it has been a life goal. The poem consists of six quatrains, each made up of a tetrameter.

I Saved One Soul by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine
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The Lesson - A poem by Roger McGough

The Lesson | A Poem by Roger McGough

‘The Lesson’ by Roger McGough depicts the frustrations of a teacher in a very strange and peculiar manner. I cannot, even in my nightmares, imagine any of my teachers could do such a thing, as illustrated so beautifully in the poem.

The Lesson - A poem by Roger McGough
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Kokila’s Purgatory

A poem dedicated to a friend. A strange poem for strange people.

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whatif by shel silverstein

Whatif | A Poem by Shel Silverstein

Very rare are the people who can fall asleep at night without a ‘Whatif’. Shel Silverstein in this adorable and cute poem describes 20 “whatif’s” that do not let this young boy sleep.

whatif by shel silverstein
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Vocation by Rabindranath Tagore

Vocation | A Poem by Rabindranath Tagore

Vocation by Rabindranath Tagore is a perfect tour into the mind of a child. This poem shows our inner-most needs. This poem is also a reminder to all the grown-ups that how these needs are curtailed by the parameters of the societal norms.

Vocation by Rabindranath Tagore
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If I were King A A Milne

If I Were King | A Poem by Alan Alexander Milne

What would you do if you were a king? .
“If I Were King” is about a child dreaming of all the things he would do if he were the king. He would run the world differently than other kings by focusing on enjoyment.

If I were King A A Milne
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A Drinking Song W B Yeats

A Drinking Song |Poem by William Butler Yeats

A short poem filled with simplicity that states two truths that you all must know before you grow old and die. A poem by William Butler Yeats that compares wine with love.

A Drinking Song W B Yeats
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If I were in charge of the world Judith Viorst

If I Were In Charge of The World – A Poem by Judith Viorst

“If I Were In Charge of the World” lists the changes to the world that Judith Viorst brings about if she would be controlling the world. She would approve all the things that make her happy.

If I were in charge of the world Judith Viorst
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The Muddlehead by Ogden Nash

The Muddlehead | A Poem by Ogden Nash

The muddlehead is a poem about a man who remains mentally confused, a little bit insane. He has a problem making sane decisions. He wears his clothes the wrong way, speaks the weird language, creates new words, is asking for wrong favors at wrong places. He is the man who makes everyone laugh. His story is everyone’s favorite.

The Muddlehead by Ogden Nash
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Forgetfulness by billy collins

Forgetfulness | A Poem by Billy Collins

This is the poem about the limitations of the memory-feature of human brains. Due to these limitations, we tend to forget things. This poem lays down the whole logical sequence in which our brains start forgetting things.
This comes as a word of caution to all the writers desperately trying to create a masterpiece. No matter how beautiful your creation is, it will go down to oblivion, as we all will.

Forgetfulness by billy collins
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Adventures of Isabel by Ogden Nash

Adventures Of Isabel | Poem by Ogden Nash

This is an extremely humorous poem by Ogden Nash about our adventurous episodes of Isabel. Kids just love this poem. You read this in front of them once and they will ask you to repeat the same again and again.

Adventures of Isabel by Ogden Nash
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I have seen it all updivine

I Have Seen It All

Yesterday, I got a good scolding from my younger brother. He said I have been wasting my time since past few months writing. According to him, there are two prerequisites for being a writer, either a broken heart or a residence out of the city in the middle of some woods (like Robert Frost had). According to him, if I can’t write about, or I don’t have either of the two then I can’t be a writer.
So, here is the story of my first love, then the second one, and the finally a failed marriage. He has no idea how many times I had the broken heart and how many times I had to make a move.

I have seen it all updivine
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