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J. W. Cassandra: Tökéletes léttelen létező, 3. rész

Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 3, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVIII, Incompletion, cycle Perfect Existenceless Existing. I share the poem in 3 parts, both in English and Hungarian. Essential version was written in Hungarian, for the memory of my forever beloved younger brother, as I wrote for his memory the 4 poems Soul of My Soul, as well.

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J. W. Cassandra: Tökéletes léttelen létező, 2. rész

Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 2, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVIII, Incompletion, cycle Perfect Existenceless Existing. I share the poem in 3 parts, both in English and Hungarian. Essential version was written in Hungarian, for the memory of my forever beloved younger brother, as I wrote for his memory the 4 poems Soul of My Soul, as well.

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J. W. Cassandra: Tökéletes léttelen létező, 1. rész

Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 1, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVIII, Incompletion, cycle Perfect Existenceless Existing. I share the poem in 3 parts, both in English and Hungarian. Essential version was written in Hungarian, for the memory of my forever beloved younger brother, as I wrote for his memory the 4 poems Soul of My Soul, as well.

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Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 3, by J. W. Cassandra

Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 3, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVIII, Incompletion, cycle Perfect Existenceless Existing. I share the poem in 3 parts, both in English and Hungarian. Essential version was written in Hungarian, for the memory of my forever beloved younger brother, as I wrote for his memory the 4 poems Soul of My Soul, as well.

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Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 2, by J. W. Cassandra

Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 2, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVIII, Incompletion, cycle Perfect Existenceless Existing. I share the poem in 3 parts, both in English and Hungarian. Essential version was written in Hungarian, for the memory of my forever beloved younger brother, as I wrote for his memory the 4 poems Soul of My Soul, as well.

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Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 1by J. W. Cassandra

Perfect Existenceless Existing, Part 1, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVIII, Incompletion, cycle Perfect Existenceless Existing. I share the poem in 3 parts, both in English and Hungarian. Essential version was written in Hungarian, for the memory of my forever beloved younger brother, as I wrote for his memory the 4 poems Soul of My Soul, as well.

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Peace | A short poem by OwlSpiritPoetry at UpDivine


The speaker in this poem had once found peace and then lost it somehow. Now she is tired of looking for it at the wrong places to find it again. @owlspiritpoetry

Peace | A short poem by OwlSpiritPoetry at UpDivine
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Loneliness Acrostic Poem


Its neither happiness, nor sadness, but the feeling of emptiness. It is the loneliness. This poem is an acrostic that describes the feeling of loneliness, which is so deep and consuming.

Loneliness Acrostic Poem
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Pain Inflictions by you

In this poem, Hridya Lakshmi writes about the pain inflicted on her by the person she loved truly and deeply. The people from whom you expect the most are the ones who cause you maximum pain.

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The Thought

As the rode past over the bridge that lay over the mighty river swelling with water, he had only one feeling in mind – to give up all, to stop the onward journey and plunge…

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