Who Knows?, by J. W. Cassandra

Who Knows?, by J. W. Cassandra. The poem I wrote 2 days ago and haven’t put into any of my volumes yet. Hungarian version I wrote only yesterday. Please, take it on any language as a motivation… I hope, I can give through the essence.

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Look To This Day Kalidasa Poem

Look To This Day | Poem by Kalidasa

This poem is a perfect word of wisdom for all the people. This tells you the importance of today. The fact that you are able to breathe, it gives you the list of possibilities, the buffet of the courses of action from which you can wisely choose the best one.

Look To This Day Kalidasa Poem
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Invictus William Ernest Henley Poem

Invictus – William Ernest Henley Poem

We’re not promised a life absent trials and suffering. While horrific events have sidelined many men, William Ernest Henley refused to be crushed on account of hardship.

Invictus William Ernest Henley Poem
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J. W. Cassandra: Béke-versek: Banális, Isteni torzkép, És ma?, Ma

Peace-poems: Banal, Divine Caricature, And Today? Today, by J. W. Cassandra. The poems had been written scattered in time: poem “Banal” I wrote in 1982 yet, when I was only 20. Poem “Divine Caricature” was written in 2011 and, the last 2 of them was created recently. I joined them as peace-poems, though the 2nd one belongs to my volume II, Sun-book, cycle Triumph of Peace. All the others I haven’t placed into any of my volumes, yet. I felt so that nothing changed from 1982, so I share this ‘short cycle’. Maybe, somebody will think of it…

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Peace-poems: Banal, Divine Caricature, And Today?, Today, by J. W. Cassandra

Peace-poems: Banal, Divine Caricature, And Today? Today, by J. W. Cassandra. The poems had been written scattered in time: poem “Banal” I wrote in 1982 yet, when I was only 20. Poem “Divine Caricature” was written in 2011 and, the last 2 of them was created recently. I joined them as peace-poems, though the 2nd one belongs to my volume II, Sun-book, cycle Triumph of Peace. All the others I haven’t placed into any of my volumes, yet. I felt so that nothing changed from 1982, so I share this ‘short cycle’. Maybe, somebody will think of it…

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Exposure | A poem by Wilfred Owen

Exposure | A Poem by Wilfred Owen

This is one of the finest poems written by Wilfred Owen, in the backdrop of WWI.
In this poem, he talks about how the soldiers sentiently keep waiting for the possible exposure to death, in the poorest of weather conditions. Always ready to die, their brains ache. ‘But nothing happens’. It highlights the effect of the weather on battle-weary soldiers and in addition puts their plight into context when it momentarily touches on the dream of a return home.

Exposure | A poem by Wilfred Owen
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Do not stand at my grave and weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep | A Poem By Mary Elizabeth Frye

This extremely famous poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye has been read at countless funerals and public occasions. The author composed this poem in a moment of inspiration and scribbled it on a paper bag. She wrote it to comfort a family friend who had just lost her mother and was unable to even visit her grave.

Do not stand at my grave and weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye
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Do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night | Poem by Dylan Thomas

In this poem Dylan Thomas asserts that all men on their death beds should resist death as strongly as they can. They should only leave this world kicking and screaming, furious that they have to die at all. This poem was written by Dylan Thomas for his dying father.

Do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas
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Pslam life longfellow poem

A Psalm Of Life | Poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Though this poem, Longfellow does not want to accept life as an ’empty dream’. According to him, death is for body, the soul lives on forever. We should love to live the journey of life instead of just aiming for the grave.

Pslam life longfellow poem
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“Hope” is the thing with feathers | A Poem by Emily Dickinson

“Hope” is the thing with feathers | A Poem by Emily Dickinson

In the poem, Emily talks about hope, something that’s got feathers and perches in the soul, and sings wordless songs like a beautiful bird.
Its sound can be heard in the chilliest land and in the strangest sea but never loud and clear. It takes a part of the soul of the person having it.

“Hope” is the thing with feathers | A Poem by Emily Dickinson
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Hush | A Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine


The poem belongs to my volume II, “Sun-Book”, cycle I, “Bow to Tagore”. This is its 9th poem. He is my favourite poet, so I dedicated him an entire cycle. For the first occasion, I saw the Eternal Beauty gleaming through his poems.

Hush | A Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine
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Burden of Work of Art

I share here an own poem, written in 2011. It belongs to my volume III, “Uniting”, cycle “Eternal Word”. I made it as a montage with an own photo as illustration (Budapest, Budapalace Park). The poem is written about the burden of creating an art-work and the contrast of ease of inspiration, in a playful form.

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Dare Updivine


Just Be Daring..

Dare Updivine
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