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J. W. Cassandra: Örök tánc

J. W. Cassandra: Örök tánc: ez a vers kivételes. Az illusztrációként beillsztett fénykép ihlette. Köszönet a tisztelt tulajdonosnak, barátomnak, aki nekem ajándékozta, és akivel együttműködve készítettük el ezt a verset: @khalnayak_2288 az Instagramról. Ő a poszt társszerzője. Hálás vagyok neki érte. Viszonzásul megosztottam vele a versem. Valamint mérhetetlenül boldog vagyok, hogy végre el tudtuk készíteni! Remélem, tetszeni fog. Az angol változatot lásd előbb! És sietve osztom meg itt a verset, hogy kedves barátom, Ritika Nahata még ma láthassa… (Eternal Dance, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem is an exceptional one. It was inspired by the photo that I pasted as an illustration. And I have to say great thanks to the respective owner, my friend who granted me his photo and with whom we made this post in collaboration: @khalnayak_2288 from Instagram. He is the co-author of this post. I’m grateful. And in return, I shared with him my poem. And I’m immeasurably happy to manage to do it at last! I hope you will like it. English version see before this one. And I share here this poem in a rush for my kind friend Ritika Nahata could see it yet today…)

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Eternal Dance, by J. W. Cassandra

Eternal Dance, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem is an exceptional one. It was inspired by the photo that I pasted as an illustration. And I have to say great thanks to the respective owner, my friend who granted me his photo. We made this post in collaboration with @khalnayak_2288 from Instagram. He is the co-author of this post with equal rights than me. I’m grateful for his gift! And in return, I shared with him my post. And I’m immeasurably happy to manage to do it at last! I hope you’ll like it. And I share this poem in a rush now for my friend Ritika Nahata to see it here yet today certainly… 🙂 I will share after this version the Hungarian one, as well.

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A Doctor- A Patient

A short story in a hospital.

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J. W. Cassandra: Mindig megtalállak

J. W. Cassandra: Mindig megtalállak: mostanában írt versem tavaszi sétánk atmoszférájának szülötte. És rejtett üznetetet hordoz, ami lehet enigma vagy szimbólum. Ez a vers szorosan ez előző versemhez tartozik. Mind magyarul, mind angolul megosztom. Az illusztráció saját fotóm. (I Will Always Find You, by J. W. Cassandra: my recent poem was born by our spring walk atmosphere. And it hides a secret message, either an enigma, or a symbol. This poem belongs closely to my previous one. I share the poem here both in English and Hungarian. Illustration is my own photo.)

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I Will Always Find You, by J. W. Cassandra

I Will Always Find You, by J. W. Cassandra: my recent poem was born by our spring walk atmosphere. And it hides a secret message, either an enigma, or a symbol. This poem belongs closely to my previous one. I share the poem here both in English and Hungarian. Illustration is my own photo.

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J. W. Cassandra: Búvópatak

J. W. Cassandra: Búvópatak: egyike azon verseimnek, amikkel lemaradtam, és most hozom be a lemaradást itt. Szorosan hozzá tartozik egy másik vers, amit ez után fogok itt megosztani. A szeretet alatt a tiszta szeretetet értem a versben. A költői “én” és “te” általánosan értendő. Bárki lehet ez az “én” és “te”. Mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom a verset. Illusztráció: saját fotóm, a Gaja-patak, Dunántúl, Magyarország. (Lost River, by J. W. Cassandra: this is one of my poems that I have to make up arrears of work. Closely belongs to it an other poem that I will share here as the next one. I mean pure love in my poem. The poetic “I” and “you” have a general meaning. Anybody may be that “I” and that “you”, as well. I’ll share the poem both in English and in Hungarian. Illustration is my own photo, river Gaja, Transdanubia, Hungary.

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Lost River, by J. W. Cassandra

Lost River, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem was written earlier, I have to make up arrears of work. This poem belongs closely to the next one that I will share after this one. I mean here pure love. The poetic “I” and “you” have a general meaning. Anybody may be that “I” and that “you”, as well. I’ll share the poem both in English and in Hungarian. Illustration is my own photo, river Gaja, Transdanubia, Hungary.

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because when I talk you hear my voice not my words not my feelings not the emotion behind you hear my voice and the words ­you want to hear for that I feel ignored but…

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Breast Cancer Won’t Win

I remember like it was yesterday, when you received the terrible news How for a while you were shocked, numb, in disbelief and mostly confused It was as if a war was coming, a war unprovoked, a war you did not choose A battle you had to get ready for, a fight you could not lose

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 I know that you are not good for me, but yet still I want you

You are like my constant intake of excess  sugar  one step on my way to diabetes, and yet I can’t help the way my body reacts to every kiss. Nor can I control the way your lips brush against my neck as you ravenously feast on my breast, and you glide your hands down my thighs only to discover that I’m soaking wet.

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I Lie When I Smile

I lie when I smile in the daytime to mask my pain because I feel like the world has gone insane and expect, demand even, that I smile to brighten my face,  just as how the sun shines to brighten the days.

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J. W. Cassandra: Zarándokút a semmibe

J. W. Cassandra: Zarándokút a semmibe: Anyámnak. (Pilgrimage to Nothingness, by J. W. Cassandra: to my Mother).

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Pilgrimage to Nothingness, by J. W. Cassandra

Pilgrimage to Nothingness, by J. W. Cassandra: to my Mother.

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Without sacredness in the emptiness of this world of ours, the heart of man fades like a flower.

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Remember, my child, gods and demons, ghosts and elves are fragments of one, built by the hand of the abyss.

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