J. W. Cassandra: A Négy Folyó Sárkánya

J. W. Cassandra: A Négy Folyó Sárkánya, a teljes legenda. Megosztom a teljes 1. legendát azok közül, amelyek eddig létrejöttek, és amelyek a fantáziámban élnek. Már írtam eddig néhány kötet ilyen legndát, mesét, fantasyt. Van egy kötetem, amely a Négy Folyó Sárkánya alakja köré fonódik, aki a képzeletemben él. A Négy Folyó Sárkánya című az első legenda ezek közül, és egyúttal a kulcs is. Még 2008-ban írtam. A történet illusztrációja a Canva ingenes képei közül való. A legendát mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom. Remélem, tetszeni fog a teljes mű. Rövid időn belül tervezem a 2. legendát, “Az Aranykor vége” címűt is megosztani teljes terjedelmében itt. (The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 1 of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I own a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon, living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. It was written in 2008. Illustration to my story is from Canva, free images. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the legend 2, titled „The End of the Golden Age”.)

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The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra

The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 1 of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I own a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon, living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. It was written in 2008, translated in 2021. Illustration to my story is from Canva, free images. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the entire legend 2, titled „The End of the Golden Age”, as well.

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J. W. Cassandra: A csipkebokor szerelmese

J. W. Cassandra: A csipkebokor szerelmese: Ez a történet és a novellában vele együtt szereplő mese a Füves Anyóka történetei 6. része. Az elsőt 2021. október 16-án osztottam meg “A vérehulló fecskefű” címen. A történeteket Füves Anyóka és unokája, Csillagfürt alakja köti össze, akit egyedül nevel, mert a kislány szülei meghaltak. Mialatt a gyógyfüveket gyűjtögeti, észrevétlenül tanítja a kislányt, s így minden novellában összefonódik történetük egy-egy új mesével, melyet Füves Anyóka mesél el Csillagfürtnek… Ezt a hatodik történetet a 7. fogja követni, mert a kettő lazán összekapcsolódik. Az angol változatot a magyar előtt osztottam meg itt. Illustráció: Mateusz Wyszyński, Pixabay. Remélem, tetszeni fog a novella! (Lover of the Briar Rose Bush, by J. W. Cassandra: This is a story and a fairy tale in one short story, as the 6th part of the Medicine Granny’s Stories. I shared 16th October 2021. the first story of this volume titled “The Swallow Wort”. In it I gave some footnotes on the strange expressions. The stories are connected by the figures of Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster, whom she grows up alone, since the little girl’s parents died. Until she gathers the herbs, etc., she teaches unnoticed the little girl and their stories are intertwined in each story with a new fairy tale that Medicine Granny tells Starcluster… This short story with the tale is the 6th. one in the volume, and I will translate and share here the 7th that loosely is connected to this one. I will share after the English version of this 6th short story the Hungarian one, as well. Illustration is Mateusz Wyszyński, from Pixabay. I hope, you will enjoy this story.)

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Lover of the Briar Rose Bush, by J. W. Cassandra

Lover of the Briar Rose Bush, by J. W. Cassandra: This is a story and a fairy tale in one short story, as the 6th part of the Medicine Granny’s Stories. I shared 16th October 2021. the first story of this volume titled “The Swallow Wort”. In it I gave some footnotes on the strange expressions. The stories are connected by the figures of Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster, whom she grows up alone, since the little girl’s parents died. Until she gathers the herbs, etc., she teaches unnoticed the little girl and their stories are intertwined in each story with a new fairy tale that Medicine Granny tells Starcluster… This short story with the tale is the 6th. one in the volume, and I will translate and share here the 7th that loosely is connected to this one. I will share after the English version of this 6th short story the Hungarian one, as well. Illustration is Mateusz Wyszyński, from Pixabay. I hope, you will enjoy this story.

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J. W. Cassandra: Füves Anyóka történetei, A vérehulló fecskefű, 2. rész

Medicine Granny’s Stories, by J. W. Cassandra. Here I share the first story of the short novel. Better to say, this is a smashed genre: the story includes in itself is intertwined in it with a tale. Its title is: The Swallow Wort. I divided it into 2 parts for sharing here since it is a bit long. If you read it, you’ll meet a Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster. Granny grows her granddaughter and teaches her unnoticed for values of life and for knowledge of herbs. Reading it, a charming, magical world opens, one can be lost in it. After sharing the part 1, at once I’ll share the Part 2, in Hungarian.The illustration is by TootSweetCarol, from Pixabay. I hope, you’ll like my story. Later I can share more of it, though the story will be continued yet.

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J. W. Cassandra: Füves Anyóka történetei, A vérehulló fecskefű, 1. rész,

Medicine Granny’s Stories, by J. W. Cassandra. Here I share the first story of the short novel. Better to say, this is a smashed genre: the story includes in itself is intertwined in it with a tale. Its title is: The Swallow Wort. I divided it into 2 parts for sharing here since it is a bit long. If you read it, you’ll meet a Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster. Granny grows her granddaughter and teaches her unnoticed for values of life and for knowledge of herbs. Reading it, a charming, magical world opens, one can be lost in it. Here I am sharing the part 1, at once I’ll share the Part 2, in Hungarian. Illustration by TootSweetCarol, from Pixabay. I hope, you’ll like my story. Later I can share more of it, though the story will be continued yet.

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Medicine Granny’s Stories, The Swallow Wort, Part 2, by J. W. Cassandra

Medicine Granny’s Stories, by J. W. Cassandra. Here I share the first story of the short novel. Better to say, this is a smashed genre: the story includes in itself is intertwined in it with a tale. Its title is: The Swallow Wort. I divided it into 2 parts for sharing here since it is a bit long. If you read it, you’ll meet a Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster. Granny grows her granddaughter and teaches her unnoticed for values of life and for knowledge of herbs. Reading it, a charming, magical world opens, one can be lost in it. After sharing the part 1, at once I’ll share the Part 2, in English. Finishing the English version, I’ll share the Hungarian version, as well, in 2 parts.I noticed after sharing the part 1, that my illustration is omitted from the post. So, now I’ll paste an other photo from Pixabay, by TootSweetCarol. I hope, you’ll like my story. Later I can share more of it, though the story will be continued yet.

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Medicine Granny’s Stories, The Swallow Wort, Part 1, by J. W. Cassandra

Medicine Granny’s Stories, by J. W. Cassandra. Here I share the first story of the short novel. Better to say, this is a smashed genre: the story includes in itself is intertwined in it with a tale. Its title is: The Swallow Wort. I divided it into 2 parts for sharing here since it is a bit long. If you read it, you’ll meet a Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster. Granny grows her granddaughter and teaches her unnoticed for values of life and for knowledge of herbs. Reading it, a charming, magical world opens, one can be lost in it. After sharing the part 1, at once I’ll share the Part 2, in English. Finishing the English version, I’ll share the Hungarian version, as well, in 2 parts.The illustration I myself made of 3 photos taken from Pixabay and I wrote the origin under them. I hope, you’ll like my story. Later I can share more of it, though the story will be continued yet.

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The End of the Golden Age, by J. W. Cassandra

The End of the Golden Age, by J. W. Cassandra, by J. W. Cassandra, detail. I share a detail of my second legend that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. The story as a Golden Age means only a fantasy, it has nothing to do with that of ancient legends. This age lives only in my imagination. As I mentioned at my first dragon legend, I have a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon, living in my imagination. That legend is the first of them and is the keynote at the same time. The today story is the 2nd one, it is just as important as a keynote as the first one. The story is continued in my website by the following headlines: „Struggle against the Evil”. It was written in 2004, translated in 2021. Illustration to my story is by p2227754, Pixabay. You can read my entire legend in this link (copy to your browser, please): www.jwcassandra.simplesite.com/ I share the first part of the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will read the entire work, as well. Please, leave a comment and like it on my website. Thank you.

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J. W. Cassandra: A Négy Folyó Sárkánya (részlet)

The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra, detail. I really share a detail of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I have a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon, living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. The story is continued in my website by the following headlines: “After the Battle of the Red Dragon, The Four Rivers’ Star and the Dragons’ Folk, They Gallop Away at the Head of their Folks on the Star Path, Engrave it in Dragon Blood on the Four Rivers’ Pillar!” It was written in 2008, translated in 2021. Illustration to my story is by cowins or Alex Hu, Pixabay. You can read my entire legend in this link (copy to your browser, please): www.jwcassandra.simplesite.com/ I share the first part of the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will read the entire work, as well. Please, leave a comment and like it on my website. Thank you.

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The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra

The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra, detail. I really share a detail of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I have a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon, living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. The story is continued in my website by the following headlines: “After the Battle of the Red Dragon, The Four Rivers’ Star and the Dragons’ Folk, They Gallop Away at the Head of their Folks on the Star Path, Engrave it in Dragon Blood on the Four Rivers’ Pillar!” It was written in 2008, translated in 2021. Illustration to my story is by cowins or Alex Hu, Pixabay. You can read my entire legend in this link (copy to your browser, please): www.jwcassandra.simplesite.com/ I share the first part of the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will read the entire work, as well. Please, leave a comment and like it on my website. Thank you.

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Dust if you must by Rose Milligan

Dust If You Must | A Poem by Rose Milligan

“Dust If You Must” is a beautiful poem by Rose Milligan that reminds you to make most of your life, before your hands’ loose grasp of it. It emphasizes the importance of doing things that satisfy your soul.

Dust if you must by Rose Milligan
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HORSE RACING, an Article written by this Author Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu. This Horse Racing is a Sport in way and also could be viewed as a Gamble. This Sport-cum-Gamble Horse Racing is almost existing in all Countries especially in Western Countries including in India, UK, America Japan, London etc. Its an almost a gambling sport. But, horses are of high quality standard breeds. This Horse Racing is an interesting subject. This Article is quite interesting and liked by all Punters and Horse Racers. Please read this lengthy article, like it, share, comment and give feedback.

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It’s a Vision on Higher Education – Graduate and Post-Graduate Technical Education (Educational Institutions and Its Governance). An Article well written by this Writer by virtue of his working experience in few of the Engineering Colleges as Manager. This Article covers all the points enumerated in this write-up which could be useful to College Mamagements and the student community. This Article highlights all the points which essentially needed for a Technical College infrastructure set-up with required Labs, and the classroom necessities for a pleasant learning education including the peaceful environment. Please read this lengthy article, like it, share, comment and give feedback.

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This is a good story for KIDS. It’s a Bed Time Story for Kids. A well explained story. This is a Copy Right Story. A story of this could well be impressed and all the Kids and teens would, sure, be liked. There are several KIDS Stories are written by this Writer. Please read, like, share, and give feedback on this Story. This RAT MARRIAGE Story is meant for Kids and Teens. A lovely explanation and presentation of this story. Please read, like, share, Comment and give your valuable feedback.

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