J. W. Cassandra: A Fekete Ütközet

J. W. Cassandra: “A Fekete Ütközet: a teljes legenda. Megosztom a teljes 4. legendát a “Sárkánylegendák és -mesék” c. kötetemből. A legendák a fantáziámból erednek, és ott élnek. A mesék és legendák, fantasy történetek a Négy Folyó Sárkánya és a jóságos sárkányok 4 népe köré fonódnak, s mind a képzeletemben élnek. “A Négy Folyó Sárkánya” az első közülük, és ez a kulcs is egyben. Itt a Story-series menüben osztottam meg 2022. 06. 26-án. A 2. volt “At Aranykor vége, amit 2022. 07. 21-én osztottam meg itt. A “Sárkányok Népét” 2022. 07. 22-én osztottam meg. A 4., “A Fekete ütközet” a Sárkányok Népe küzdelméről mesél a gonosz sárkányok ellen, és az egyik legemlékezetesebb csatáról. A legendát mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom. Remélem, tetszeni fog! Rövid időn belül tervezem megosztani az 5. legendát, “A Vörös Sárkánycsata” címűt is. Illusztráció: kellepics, Pixabay. (“The Black Battle”, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 4 of my volume titled “Dragon Legends and Tales”. The legends came to life and live in my world of fantasy. These tales and legends, fantasies are woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon and the 4 folk of the benevolent dragons living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. I shared it here in menu Story-series on 26th June, 2022. The 2nd was the “The End of the Golden Age” that I shared here 21 July, 2022. The story of “Dragons’ Folk” I shared here 22 July 2022. The legend 4, “The Black Battle” tells about the struggle of the Dragons’ Folk against evil dragons, and about one of the most memorable battle. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like it. In a short term, I plan to share here the entire legend 5, titled „The Red Dragon-combat”, as well. I hope you all will enjoy the stories… Illustration: by kellepics, from Pixabay.)

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J. W. Cassandra: A Sárkányok Népe

J. W. Cassandra: “Sárkányok Népe”, a teljes legenda. Megosztom a teljes 3. legendát a “Sárkánylegendák és -mesék” című kötetemből. A legendák a fantáziám világából születtek és ott élnek. Ezek a mesék, legendák, fantasy történetek a Négy Folyó Sárkánya alakja és a jóságos sárkányok 4 népe köré fonódnak, akik a képzeletemben élnek. A Négy Folyó Sárkánya legenda az első közülük, s egyben a kulcs is. Azt is itt osztottam meg a Story-series menüben 2022. jún. 26-án. A 2. “Az Aranykor vége”, amelyet tegnap osztozttam meg ugyanitt. A “Sárkányok Népe” babona övezte hatalmakról, lényeikről, sámánokról, sárkányokról, amulettekről, talizmánokról, arany sárkányszobrokról szól, a sárkányfűről, amely növény, és mágikus hatalma van a sárkányok fölött, csatákról, és a jóságos sárkányok 4 népéről mesél többek közt. Mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom a legendát. Remélem, tetszeni fog a teljes mű! Rövid időn belül szeretném megosztani a 4. teljes legendát is, a “Fekete ütközet” címűt. Remélem, mindenki élvezni fogja a történeteket… Illusztráció: Willgard Karuse, Pixabay. (“Dragons’ Folk”, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 3 of my volume titled “Dragon Legends and Tales”. The legends came to life and live in my world of fantasy. These tales and legends, fantasies are woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon and the 4 folks of the benevolent dragons living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. I shared it here in menu Story-series on 26th June, 2022. The 2nd was the “The End of the Golden Age” that I shared here yesterday. The story of “Dragons’ Folk” tells about superstitous powers, their beings, shamans, dragons, amulets and talismans, statues of dragons made of gold, the dragonhead the plant that has a magic power against dragons, combats and the 4 folk of the benevolent kind of dragons, among others. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the entire legend 4, titled „The Black Combat”, as well. I hope you all will enjoy the stories… Illustration: by Willgard Krause, from Pixabay.)

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Dragons’ Folk, by J. W. Cassandra

“Dragons’ Folk”, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 3 of my volume titled “Dragon Legends and Tales”. The legends came to life and live in my world of fantasy. These tales and legends, fanatsies are woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon and the 4 folks of the benevolent dragons living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. I shared it here in menu Story-series on 26th June, 2022. The 2nd was the “The End of the Golden Age” that I shared here yesterday. The story of “Dragons’ Folk” tells about superstitous powers, their beings, shamans, dragons, amulets and talismans, statues of dragons made of gold, the dragonhead the plant that has a magic power against dragons, combats and the 4 folk of the benevolent kind of dragons, among others. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the entire legend 4, titled „The Black Combat”, as well. I hope you all will enjoy the stories… Illustration: by Willgard Krause, from Pixabay.

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J. W. Cassandra: Az Aranykor vége

J. W. Cassandra: “Az Aranykor vége”, a teljes legenda. Megosztom a 2. legendát teljes terjedelemben a legendáim közül, ahogy napvilágot látott, ami a képzeletemben él. Már megírtam néhány kötetben ezeket a legendákat és meséket, fantasy történeteket. Van egy kötetem, amely a Négy Folyó Sárkánya és a képzeleteben élő jóságos sárkányok 4 népe köré szövődő legendákat és meséket tartalmazza. A Négy Folyó Sárkánya az első és egyben a kulcs. Azt a Story-series menüben osztottam meg itt 2022. jún. 26-án. A jelenlegi legenda, “Az Aranykor vége” az eredetről, az Aranykorról és a bukásról, valamint a következményeiről mesél. Mind angolul, mind magyarul megsosztom a legendát. Remélem, tetszeni fog a teljes mű! Rövid időn belül szeretném megosztani itt a teljes 3. legendát, a “Sárkányok Népe” címűt is. Illusztráció: p2722754, Pixabay. (“The End of the Golden Age”, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 2 of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I own a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon and the 4 folks of the benevolent dragons living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. I shared it here in menu Story-series on 26th June, 2022. The actual legend “The End of the Golden Age” tells about the origin, the Golden Age and the failure, its effects. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the entire legend 3, titled „Dragons’ Folk”, as well. Illustration: by p2722754, from Pixabay.

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The End of the Golden Age, by J. W. Cassandra

“The End of the Golden Age”, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 2 of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I own a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon and the 4 folks of the benevolent dragons living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. I shared it here in menu Story-series on 26th June, 2022. The actual legend “The End of the Golden Age” tells about the origin, the Golden Age and the failure, its effects. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the entire legend 3, titled „Dragons’ Folk”, as well. Illustration: by p2722754, from Pixabay.

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J. W. Cassandra: A Rózsatündér kertje

J. W. Cassandra: A Rózsatündér kertje: Ez a történet és a novellában vele együtt szereplő mese a Füves Anyóka történetei 7. része. Az elsőt 2021. október 16-án osztottam meg “A vérehulló fecskefű” címen. A történeteket Füves Anyóka és unokája, Csillagfürt alakja köti össze, akit egyedül nevel, mert a kislány szülei meghaltak. Mialatt a gyógyfüveket gyűjtögeti, észrevétlenül tanítja a kislányt, s így minden novellában összefonódik történetük egy-egy új mesével, melyet Füves Anyóka mesél el Csillagfürtnek… 2022. jún. 14-én megosztottam itt a 6. történetet “A csipkebokor szerelmese” címmel, a Story-series menüben. Ez az aktuális sztori bizonyos értelemben összefügg vele. Ez oka, hogy azonnal a 6. után rakom föl. Viszont az összes többit véletlen sorrendben is lehet olvasni. Később többet is megosztok még. Ez előtt osztottam meg a 7 sztori angol változatát is. Az illusztráció saját képem. Remélem, élvezni fogjátok a szorit! (The Rose Fairy’s Garden, by J. W. Cassandra: This is a story and a fairy tale in one short story, as the 7th part of the Medicine Granny’s Stories. I shared 16th October 2021. the first story of this volume titled “The Swallow Wort”. In it I gave some footnotes on the strange expressions. The stories are connected by the figures of Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster, whom she grows up alone, since the little girl’s parents died. Until she gathers the herbs, etc., she teaches unnoticed the little girl and their stories are intertwined in each story with a new fairy tale that Medicine Granny tells Starcluster… On June 14, 2022., I shared here the 6th story titled “Lover of the Briar Rose Bush”, in menu Story-series. This actually shared story is connected a certain sense with that. That is the reason why I share this one right after the 6th story and tale. However all the other stories in this volume can be read in an accidental order. Later I will share more of them. I shared before this version the English one of this 7th short story, as well. Illustration is mine. I hope you will enjoy the story!)

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The Rose Fairy’s Garden, by J. W. Cassandra

The Rose Fairy’s Garden, by J. W. Cassandra: This is a story and a fairy tale in one short story, as the 7th part of the Medicine Granny’s Stories. I shared 16th October 2021. the first story of this volume titled “The Swallow Wort”. In it I gave some footnotes on the strange expressions. The stories are connected by the figures of Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster, whom she grows up alone, since the little girl’s parents died. Until she gathers the herbs, etc., she teaches unnoticed the little girl and their stories are intertwined in each story with a new fairy tale that Medicine Granny tells Starcluster… On June 14, 2022., I shared here the 6th story titled “Lover of the Briar Rose Bush”, in menu Story-series. This actually shared story is connected a certain sense with that. That is the reason why I share this one right after the 6th story and tale. However all the other stories in this volume can be read in an accidental order. Later I will share more of them. I will share after the English version of this 7th short story the Hungarian one, as well. Illustration is mine. I hope you will enjoy the story!

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J. W. Cassandra: A Négy Folyó Sárkánya

J. W. Cassandra: A Négy Folyó Sárkánya, a teljes legenda. Megosztom a teljes 1. legendát azok közül, amelyek eddig létrejöttek, és amelyek a fantáziámban élnek. Már írtam eddig néhány kötet ilyen legndát, mesét, fantasyt. Van egy kötetem, amely a Négy Folyó Sárkánya alakja köré fonódik, aki a képzeletemben él. A Négy Folyó Sárkánya című az első legenda ezek közül, és egyúttal a kulcs is. Még 2008-ban írtam. A történet illusztrációja a Canva ingenes képei közül való. A legendát mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom. Remélem, tetszeni fog a teljes mű. Rövid időn belül tervezem a 2. legendát, “Az Aranykor vége” címűt is megosztani teljes terjedelmében itt. (The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 1 of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I own a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon, living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. It was written in 2008. Illustration to my story is from Canva, free images. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the legend 2, titled „The End of the Golden Age”.)

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The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra

The Four Rivers’ Dragon, by J. W. Cassandra, the whole legend. I share now the entire legend 1 of one of my legends that came to life and that live in my world of fantasy. I had already written in some volumes of these legends and tales, fantasies. I own a volume containing legends and tales woven around the Four Rivers’ Dragon, living in my imagination. The Four Rivers’ Dragon legend is the first of them that is the keynote at the same time. It was written in 2008, translated in 2021. Illustration to my story is from Canva, free images. I share the legend both in English and Hungarian. I hope, you will like the entire work. In a short term, I plan to share here the entire legend 2, titled „The End of the Golden Age”, as well.

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J. W. Cassandra: A csipkebokor szerelmese

J. W. Cassandra: A csipkebokor szerelmese: Ez a történet és a novellában vele együtt szereplő mese a Füves Anyóka történetei 6. része. Az elsőt 2021. október 16-án osztottam meg “A vérehulló fecskefű” címen. A történeteket Füves Anyóka és unokája, Csillagfürt alakja köti össze, akit egyedül nevel, mert a kislány szülei meghaltak. Mialatt a gyógyfüveket gyűjtögeti, észrevétlenül tanítja a kislányt, s így minden novellában összefonódik történetük egy-egy új mesével, melyet Füves Anyóka mesél el Csillagfürtnek… Ezt a hatodik történetet a 7. fogja követni, mert a kettő lazán összekapcsolódik. Az angol változatot a magyar előtt osztottam meg itt. Illustráció: Mateusz Wyszyński, Pixabay. Remélem, tetszeni fog a novella! (Lover of the Briar Rose Bush, by J. W. Cassandra: This is a story and a fairy tale in one short story, as the 6th part of the Medicine Granny’s Stories. I shared 16th October 2021. the first story of this volume titled “The Swallow Wort”. In it I gave some footnotes on the strange expressions. The stories are connected by the figures of Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster, whom she grows up alone, since the little girl’s parents died. Until she gathers the herbs, etc., she teaches unnoticed the little girl and their stories are intertwined in each story with a new fairy tale that Medicine Granny tells Starcluster… This short story with the tale is the 6th. one in the volume, and I will translate and share here the 7th that loosely is connected to this one. I will share after the English version of this 6th short story the Hungarian one, as well. Illustration is Mateusz Wyszyński, from Pixabay. I hope, you will enjoy this story.)

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Lover of the Briar Rose Bush, by J. W. Cassandra

Lover of the Briar Rose Bush, by J. W. Cassandra: This is a story and a fairy tale in one short story, as the 6th part of the Medicine Granny’s Stories. I shared 16th October 2021. the first story of this volume titled “The Swallow Wort”. In it I gave some footnotes on the strange expressions. The stories are connected by the figures of Medicine Granny and her granddaughter, Starcluster, whom she grows up alone, since the little girl’s parents died. Until she gathers the herbs, etc., she teaches unnoticed the little girl and their stories are intertwined in each story with a new fairy tale that Medicine Granny tells Starcluster… This short story with the tale is the 6th. one in the volume, and I will translate and share here the 7th that loosely is connected to this one. I will share after the English version of this 6th short story the Hungarian one, as well. Illustration is Mateusz Wyszyński, from Pixabay. I hope, you will enjoy this story.

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J. W. Cassandra: A Mindentudás Nagykönyve

J. W. Cassandra: A Mindentudás Nagykönyve: ez a legújabb, nemrég írt novellám a mindentudásról és a mágusokról. Egyszerűen a fantáriámat használtam, és egy mágusról mesélek benne, aki a Máguskirály akart lenni valaha rég. Végletekig kihasználta famulusát (vagy tanítványát), majd szembesülnek a valódi Máguskirállyal… Az egész történet a hatalmat, a Mindentudás Nagykönyvét, a fölemelkedést és bukást járja körül… A teljes novellát megosztom itt, mind angolul, mind magyarul. Az előzőt már megosztottam. Illusztráció: noupload, Pixabay. (Complete Book of Omniscience, by J. W. Cassandra: this is my recent, newest short story on the omniscience and on the magi. I used my own fantasy simply and tell of a magician who wanted to become the Magician King in the long past. He made a convenience of his famulus (or disciple) to the end, and then they face the true Magician King… The whole story walks around power, Book of Omniscience, raise and fall… I share here the whole story, both in English and in Hungarian. The previous I shared yet. Illustration is by noupload, from Pixabay.)

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Complete Book of Omniscience, by J. W. Cassandra

Complete Book of Omniscience, by J. W. Cassandra: this is my recent, newest short story on the omniscience and on the magi. I used my own fantasy simply and tell of a magician who wanted to become the Magician King in the long past. He made a convenience of his famulus (or disciple ) to the end, and then they face the true Magician King… The whole story walks around power, Book of Omniscience, raise and fall… I share here the whole story, both in English and in Hungarian. The latter will follow this one. Illustration is by noupload, from Pixabay.

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J. W. Cassandra: „Hol vannak a katonák?” – Fogadalmas menyasszony /Igaz történet/

J. W. Cassandra: “Hol vannak a katonák?” – Fogadalmas menyasszony /Igaz történet/ . A novella szeretett Nagyanyámról szól. A képen az eredeti fénykép felújított változata látható. Maga a fénykép 100 éves. A nagyanyám valóban fogadalomból ment férjhez egy hadirokkant katonához. Ahogy látható, sorsuk keserű volt. És akkoriban sok-sok kisember élt, akit a balsors sújtott a világháború miatt. Sokat haboztam, megosszam-e egyáltalán az ő igaz történetét: nem szeretem ezeket megírni, sem megosztani. De mivel épp e napokban támadta meg Oroszország Ukrajnát, úgy gondolom, minden úton-módon tiltakoznom kell a háború ellen. Ezért olvasható itt ez a történet. Megosztottam angolul is. („Where Are the Soldiers?” – The Bride Made of Vows, /A True Story/, by J. W. Cassandra: This short story tells about my beloved Grandmother. On the photo you can see the renovated version of the original photo. The photo itself is 100 years old. My Grandmother made vows to marry a war disabled soldier, indeed. As you’ll see, their fate was a bitter one. And there lived then many of such common people who became ill-fated because of world war. I was hesitating a lot whether to share her true story: I don’t like to write and share them. But for these recent very days the Russia invaded Ukraine I think so, I want to protest by every way against war. That’s why you can read this story here. I will share it here in Hungarian, as well.)

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„Where Are the Soldiers?” – The Bride Made of Vows /A True Story/, by J. W. Cassandra

„Where Are the Soldiers?” – The Bride Made of Vows, /A True Story/, by J. W. Cassandra: This short story tells about my beloved Grandmother. On the photo you can see the renovated version of the original photo. The photo itself is 100 years old. My Grandmother made vows to marry a war disabled soldier, indeed. As you’ll see, their fate was a bitter one. And there lived then many of such common people who became ill-fated because of world war. I was hesitating a lot whether to share her true story: I don’t like to write and share them. But for these recent very days the Russia invaded Ukraine I think so, I want to protest by every way against war. That’s why you can read this story here. I will share it here in Hungarian, as well.

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