prayer for enemy

Prayer for the Enemy

Prayer for the Enemy, Part 1, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem doesn’t belong to any of my volumes yet. I share the poem divided into 2 parts, both in English and Hungarian.

prayer for enemy
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J. W. Cassandra: Szirom hull alá könnyeként

Petals Fall Down as His Tears, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVI, Source-Light, cycle Response From Secret Recess. I share the poem both in English and Hungarian.

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Petals Fall Down as His Tears, by J. W. Cassandra

Petals Fall Down as His Tears, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume XVI, Source-Light, cycle Response From Secret Recess. I share the poem both in English and Hungarian.

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J. W. Cassandra: Pusztába kiáltott szó

Word, Cried into Wilderness, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume III, Uniting, cycle Eternal Word. I share the poem both in English and Hungarian.

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Word, Cried into Wilderness, by J. W. Cassandra

Word, Cried into Wilderness, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem belongs to my volume III, Uniting, cycle Eternal Word. I share the poem both in English and Hungarian.

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top wisdom poem

What Keeps Up Our Lives

What Keeps Up Our Lives, by J. W. Cassandra, my own poem. The poem doesn’t belong to my volumes yet. I’m working on putting them into my volumes, it’s a long work. I share the poem both in English and Hungarian.

top wisdom poem
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top ten poems ever


Vanity by J. W. Cassandra, own poem. The poem belongs to my volumes III, Uniting, cycle Grievance of Returning. I share it in 2 pictures, both in English and Hungarian. The photo for illustration is made by me.

top ten poems ever
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Spring source wisdom poem

They Spring from the Same Source

They Spring from the Same Source, by J. W. Cassandra, own poem. The poem belongs to my volumes III, Uniting, cycle Eternal Word. I share it in 2 pictures, both in English and Hungarian. The photo for illustration is made by me.

Spring source wisdom poem
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write poems online

Pure Light Dances Its Primordial Dance

Pure Light Dances Its Primordial Dance, Part 1, by J. W. Cassandra, own poem. The poem doesn’t belong to any of my 18 volumes yet. I share it in 2 pictures, both in English and Hungarian. The photo for illustration is made by me.

write poems online
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Live | A Wisdom Poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine


Through this wisdom poem, Mystqx Skye is trying to explain to the world the only way to live happily and fully. The way to live every moment of life is ‘extravagance’.

Live | A Wisdom Poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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Summer Snow | A Wisdom Poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine

Summer Snow

The poem expresses the current state of mortals. They are like ‘summer snow’, full of enigma and questioning their existence. No idea, whether to burn or freeze.

Summer Snow | A Wisdom Poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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Cherry Blossom | A short Poem by OwlSpiritPoetry at UpDivine

Cherry Blossom

The speaker in the poem wants to get cherry blossom tattooed on her arm to remind her that life isn’t that bad after all. It is a bed of flowers and not just stones. @owlspiritpoetry

Cherry Blossom | A short Poem by OwlSpiritPoetry at UpDivine
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The Sparkling Starry Sky | A Poem by J W Cassandra at UpDivine

The Sparkling Starry Sky

The Sparkling Starry Sky…, by J. W. Cassandra, own poem. The poem belongs to my volume I, “Eternity Arisen to Consciousness”, cycle “Written in Soul-Blaze”. Of course, the wizard in my poem isn’t me, I wrote only on his behalf. The translation is made yesterday, the poem itself in Hungarian, had been written on 10/05. 2011, yet.

The Sparkling Starry Sky | A Poem by J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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Who are the damned? A poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine

Who Are the Damned?

Who Are the Damned?, by J. W. Cassandra, own poem. It belongs to my volume III, “Uniting”, cycle “It Falls Out from the Big Riddle”. This poem unties the topic of my previous poem, “In the Middle of Nowhere” and at the same time, is its sequel. Below the Hungarian version you can see the date of writing, that of translation below the English version. Here I share both English and Hungarian Versions.

Who are the damned? A poem by J.W. Cassandra at UpDivine
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In the middle of nowhere | A Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine

In the Middle of Nowhere

In the Middle of the Nowhere, Part 1, by J. W. Cassandra. My entire poem belongs to my volume III, “Uniting”, cycle “It Falls out from the Big Riddle”. The title in Hungarian, to the letter, is ‘Behind God’s Back’, I think it to be more powerful and I’d like to give it as in the cases of equivoque. You can see the date of writing below the Hungarian version, that of the translation below the English one.

In the middle of nowhere | A Poem by JW Cassandra at UpDivine
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